Support Us

With your support, Red Leap can continue to create astounding, original theatre experiences for communities across Aotearoa

Your gift will provide the platform for Red Leap to create visually arresting work of the highest quality, pushing the boundaries of theatrical form and storytelling.

We are committed to collaboration, aiming to include the entire creative and production teams in the room when we develop new work. We create an environment where any voice, even the quietest voice, can impact the show.

You can also contribute to growing our hugely impactful education programme. We run workshops across the motu throughout the year, and work with as many schools from as many communities as possible.

Your generous support is vital for our programme. We receive government funding and grants from other organisations, however your support is needed to fill the shortfall.

By donating to Red Leap you become part of our whānau. We will invite you into our process, so that you can experience the work in progress, and have a voice in the creation of our work.

Thank you for considering us for your support.

As a Charitable Trust all donations of $5 or more are eligible for a tax rebate. We send out our tax donation receipts by the end of the New Zealand financial year.

Donate Now

Or you can donate through direct bank transfer to Red Leap Theatre (ASB Bank 12-3019-0796030- 00)

Or give a small monthly gift by joining our Patreon page.

Red Leap Patreon