The Red Leap Toolkit is $89.95 and is available now from our online store.

The Red Leap Toolkit
The Red Leap Toolkit is an extremely comprehensive guide to the Red Leap devising process, with detailed notes on practical exercises you can use in the classroom to make dynamic work. Written by Red Leap founder and former Artistic Director Julie Nolan, this accessible and practical 190-page book is filled with beautiful imagery of Red Leap's work. It includes interviews and advice from some of New Zealand's leading theatre and dance artists.

"This book is incredibly valuable for the classroom teacher to delve into for a time, to discover a new game or devising provocation or to build a comprehensive plan of working with ākonga to realise a fully devised piece of work. I highly recommend this for Drama educators working within secondary tertiary and community kura. Red Leap has given drama educators a Devising Toolkit that is practical, accessible and useful for the classroom." Annette Thompson, DNZ President